Maggie is a charming girl. Although she has communication challenges, she manages to connect with everybody. She has a positive and friendly attitude. Besides, she’s a hoot.
I want to nominate Maggie N. She is graduating from Lower School this year and has been attending Perkins since she was 10 years old. She is a total communication user (sign language, voice output device, vocalizations), and despite not being able to speak fluently, she is one of the most outgoing and socially engaging students I’ve met. She loves her classmates and her teachers, and will often run up to them in the hallway and wave/laugh/talk/smile at them. Her performance in chorus is enthusiastic, and always makes the audience smile. She is such a sweetheart and she is awesome.
I would like to nominate Maggie N. for the Jesse Isabelle Award. Here’s a gal with such challenges in speech, but that says nothing about the way she’s communicated her love and enthusiasm for this school and everyone in it!
Maggie is the most enthusiastic, friendly and kind student I have known. Maggie is nice to everyone. Her smile lights up the halls and any room she is in. She can be a little anxious with new things, but she has really risen to the occasion and tried lots of new activities. She loves school! Maggie uses a communication device and it is amazing how independent she has become with her device. And, she wants to talk to us and share information about school and home and ask us questions!! Maggie is graduating this year and will join some friends who have graduated before her. I think it will be exciting as Maggie heads off on this new adventure in a really good place, socially and academically. I think that Maggie has lots of school spirit and spunk, just like Jesse!!!
I would like to nominate Maggie N. for the Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award.
Hello, I believe Maggie N. would be ideal to receive this award for the following reasons: Maggie N. is the epitome of friendliness, enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Maggie is known for saying hello to staff and fellow peers. She is very patient and allows an appropriate amount of wait time for some of her peers to respond. Maggie is the “Oprah” of our classroom—she always has a great attitude and motivates us all to be excited about our day! Maggie cares tremendously about everyone she knows, and she even reminds staff about important dates or activities that need to be done. Maggie never fails to bring a smile or a comforting hug every day.