We were incredibly excited to be attending the Perkins School for the Blind’s Lower School Graduation this year to present the 2018 Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award. This year, Tyler and Carol presented the award and it was such an honor to be able to present the...
On June 13th, our family attended the Perkins School for the Blind’s Lower School Graduation to present this year’s Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award. Auntie Laurie presented to award this year and did a fantastic job. We were so excited to meet this...
Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award 2016 Finalists Amalia Alexandre (3 Nominations) I would like to nominate Amalia Alexandre for the Seventh Annual Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award. I have worked with Amalia over the past school year and collaborated with her team who has worked...
Maggie is a charming girl. Although she has communication challenges, she manages to connect with everybody. She has a positive and friendly attitude. Besides, she’s a hoot. I want to nominate Maggie N. She is graduating from Lower School this year and has been...
Nick Klayman (11 nominations) The one and only student I thought of for this award is Nick. I nominate Nick Klayman for the Jesse Isabelle Spirit Award because he has the virtues that Jesse had— he is always enthusiastic, positive and friendly when he comes to...